The Gift of Turned-Down Sheets

“If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.” John 13:8b

When my wife and I celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, we decided to take a Caribbean cruise. We had always talked about doing it but just couldn’t justify the expense. However, a milestone event like this anniversary seemed to be the perfect excuse to take the splurge. So on a cold Saturday in January, we headed south for a week of fun in the sun on a ship from one of the major cruise lines.

Of course, the experience was everything we had ever heard of and more. The food was out of this world – the entertainment top notch. From beginning to end our every need was met. In fact, each evening our cabin steward would turn down our sheets and place a small piece of chocolate on our pillows. We were truly being pampered.

Yet as enjoyable as all that was, it created a certain unsettledness in me. For the next few years I concluded that I was just uncomfortable having others do menial tasks for me that I was quite capable of doing myself. Having someone else turn down my sheets somehow seemed demeaning to them as if I was better than they were, and I didn’t want to treat people that way. So I congratulated myself about my spiritual sensitivity on the matter.

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The Most Dangerous Weapon

“The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” James 3:6

On October 30, 1961 the Soviet military detonated the largest thermonuclear bomb in history. Its official name was RDS 202 but was nicknamed the King of Bombs and Ivan the Great as a reflection of its destructive power. When detonated in the Arctic regions of the Soviet Union, it had the strength of 50 megatons of TNT which is 4,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima to usher in the end of World War II.

Observers indicated that the fireball from the explosion could be seen from 600 miles away with the mushroom cloud reaching 42 miles into the atmosphere. It was later determined that some window panes cracked from the explosion up to 560 miles away from the center of the blast. The heat was so intense that solid rock was reduced to ash.

As it turned out, the device was too large and cumbersome to be of practical use in warfare. Nevertheless, it was a huge propaganda victory during the height of the cold war which the Soviets used as a means to intimidate the United States. It was a scary time.

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Starting Over

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 51:12

I never have been much of an artist. It was years before I ever learned how to color in the lines. Nevertheless, I would try my hand at drawing from time to time especially when I was a kid. You know how it goes. You draw a little while, and you mess us. It doesn’t quite look right. No, it doesn’t even look close to right. So you erase some of it and try to redraw it. You mess up again and erase again.

Then after several cycles of messing up and erasing, your paper is beginning to tear up and get all wrinkled. So you decide to stop, wad up this disaster of a drawing, and start over again with a clean sheet. There’s just something inspiring about a new clean sheet of paper and the privilege of starting over again.

Sometimes living our lives is much like trying to draw. You really want to do it right and please God. You really do, but you mess up. You try to fix it, but you mess up again. After awhile, things are so out of sorts that it seems there’s no fixing it at all. You want to go back and start over, but you’re hesitant. You’ve started over before only to end up disappointing yourself again. You’re beginning to wonder if starting over is even possible for you.

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The Most Important After-Christmas Exchange

“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature… you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips…. Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience…. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” Colossians 3:5-14

When it comes to the Christmas season, most of it is a positive experience. There are parties to attend, presents to unwrap, and family gatherings to enjoy. When you add that to the decorations, food and other holiday festivities, it makes for a great time of year.

However, there is at least one part of the Christmas season that’s a mixed blessing. That’s the annual day after Christmas gift exchange. In our household that job usually goes to me. I do it not because I’m such a great guy, but because it gets me out of having to do another less that thrilling after-Christmas event called putting up the decorations.

Anyhow, there’s just something about standing in line at Wal-mart on the day after Christmas taking back a single item that probably cost $10. Invariably, I get behind someone with a basket full of stuff to be returned. That’s bad enough. What really gets to me is the fact that the aforementioned someone doesn’t have a receipt for any of it and spends the next 30 minutes arguing with the clerk about the true value of each item.

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What Do You Want For Christmas?

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” Matthew 13:44

When I was a kid, the thoughts of Christmas morning were almost more than I could contain. It was the one day of the year when I knew there would be a variety of gifts with my name on them. Of course, I always got a birthday present or two, but it was nothing like Christmas. Christmas was the best, or at least that’s how I built it up in my mind starting right after Thanksgiving.

I remember going through the Christmas catalog from Service Merchandise looking at all the great things you could get. I’m talking pages of stuff that any red-blooded young boy would die to have. I bet many of you remember doing that or watching your kids do it. Anyhow, I would get in my mind how great it was going to be on Christmas morning when all the deepest desires of my heart would finally be fulfilled. Sadly, however, that never happened. Not that my parents didn’t try, mind you. But something always went wrong.

Like the time when I wanted a set of electric race cars on a track. I had visions of racing my car around the track and beating whoever it was that ran the other car. The only problem was that in my case, only one track worked. It worked really well. I could run that one car around the track at blazing speed. But it doesn’t take a lot of speed to beat the other car that doesn’t move. So a bit disappointing.

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Whatever Happened To Christmas

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.” Luke 2:14

Whatever happened to Christmas? According to the angels, it’s supposed to be a time of peace on earth and good will toward those who are living in God’s favor. But it often doesn’t feel that way. Such was the case for a little girl whose story I read about.

According to the story, it was Christmas Eve. It had been a day full of incidents, some of them unpleasant. For instance, her father seemed to be overly stressed by a host of worries. Her mom wasn’t doing much better. She was so full of anxiety that she reached the breaking point several times throughout the day. Wherever this little girl went, she seemed to be in the way.

Finally, she was hustled to bed. As she knelt by her bed to pray the Lord’s prayer, she offered her updated version of it in light of the day’s stresses. “Forgive us our Chrismases as we forgive those who Christmas against us.”

If we were honest, we’ve all probably had moments when we felt like we had been Christmased against. Although we may sing “Joy to the World,” Christmas has become such a hassle for us that sometimes it’s anything but joyful. It’s like the clerk at a department store who was asked by a customer if she was ready for Christmas. Her response was telling. “I’m ready alright – ready for it to be over.”

Unfortunately, the problem has to do with more than just our frantic pace. For some people Christmas is a threat. Overspending puts the family budget on a perilous path toward disaster. For others Christmas is a time of desperate loneliness. It’s a known fact that depression is higher during the holidays than at any other time of the year. When you put all of this together, it’s tempting to want to join Scrooge in giving a big “bah, humbug” to it all.

In light of this, it would do us well to revisit the message of the angels on the night Jesus was born. “Glory to God in the highest” they sang, “and peace on earth….” Peace on earth. What a glorious thought! Of course, when we speak of peace, we usually only mean an absence of outward conflict – a sort of cease fire whether we’re talking about nations or family relationships. As long as everybody kind of gets along, we say that things are at peace.

But that’s not what God thinks nor is that what the angels had in mind as they shared their message. The kind of peace God announced to the shepherd was very different. The word peace itself means an absence or end of strife, an untroubled, undisturbed well-being, and a delivery and freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as a result of sin.

In short, the message of peace is a complete restoration of God’s original intent for humanity that they live at peace with Him and with each other – a return to Eden you might say. That’s what God’s after. He wants to do more than simply call a cease fire where we all we do is tolerate each other. He’s looking for reconciliation. He wants those who are at odds to live in true harmony with each other, because they are in true harmony with Him.

Imagine that for a moment. Imagine families who could admit their mistakes, who are quick to offer forgiveness, and who want more than anything else to be right with one another. Imagine churches whose members refuse to stir up trouble, who resolve conflict according to biblical teaching, and who maintain fellowship with one another despite their differences. Imagine nations that respect the traditions and values of other nations, that do not use their power to destroy one another, but instead unite together to overcome the injustices and depravation of others.

That’s what God was announcing to the shepherds that night. God was in the process of restoring the earth to the way it was always intended to be. When Jesus grew up, He taught His followers to pray for this very thing. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” It was a prayer for peace.

Certainly, the ultimate fulfillment of this won’t be realized until Christ comes to bring God’s redemptive work to a completion. Until that time, the message of the angels reveals what God’s purpose is – peace. This raises the all-important question of how. How does such a peace come about?

The response of the shepherds to the angels’ message helps to answer this question. Yes, God was offering peace on earth, but there was a condition. Unfortunately, the authorized version of this text doesn’t make that very clear. “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” That’s how many of us memorized it.

But a more precise translation reveals a very important truth we can’t afford to miss. Here’s how the NIV puts it: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.” Did you notice the difference? It’s not just a general message of good will to all regardless of what they do with the message. Rather it’s a reminder that only those who have God’s favor in their lives experience God’s peace. And how do you obtain God’s favor? According to the gospel, that comes when people yield their lives to Christ as their forgiver and leader. Only they have full access to the amazing peace God was offering.

So to have peace means that we must respond properly to God’s message. Part of that is the initial acceptance of Christ. There is no true peace within or peace with others outside of peace with God. But it’s more than that. We must also do the things that bring about peace. That has to do with acting in peaceful ways toward others and promoting the cause of peace which turns people toward Christ, the Prince of Peace.

The bottom line is this. When God sends His invitation of peace through the One born in Bethlehem, you have to respond to it in order to experience it. The shepherds immediately went to find the Christ child. After they found Him, they left glorifying and praising God as a result. At that moment, peace on earth was a reality in their hearts, and so it can be for us.

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O Holy Night!

“The Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:35b

One of the best loved of the carols of Christmas is the song O Holy Night. It’s current version was written by John Dwight based on a poem by a Frenchman, Placide Cappeau. O Holy Night was premiered on Christmas Eve 1847. Initially, it was well received, but later was attacked partly because of the reputation of Cappeau who was a progressive in his time. He opposed slavery, injustice and oppression of any kind.

Thus the ethics of Jesus that upheld the value and worth of all people were rejected by the very ones who were supposed to be following Him. Nevertheless, the power of the song and its message prevailed. By 1855 the carol had been published in London and has been translated into many languages since.

O Holy Night also has the distinction of being the first Christmas carol ever played live on a Christmas broadcast. On Christmas Eve 1906, Reginald Fessenden broadcasted the song from Brant Rock, Massachusetts to ships at sea. The broadcast was picked up as far south as Norfolk, VA. When it was re-broadcasted on New Year’s Eve, it was heard as far away as the West Indies.

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The Pathway of Courageous Faithfulness

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:10-12

If you have been reading my posts on the Beatitudes, you know that we’ve been invited to travel a variety of pathways that lead to extraordinary living. In each case, we’ve seen how walking these pathways makes it possible for us to live right in the middle of God’s blessing. Regardless of that fact, we instinctively know that walking these pathways is not going to be easy. Each of them have their own unique set of challenges. Even with that said, nothing we’ve seen so far prepares us for what we’re about to hear.

On the surface this final beatitude seems to contradict every idea of what living an extraordinary life in the middle of God’s blessing would look like. For in this last beatitude, Jesus said this: “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

But He didn’t stop there. He went on. “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Jesus’ words fly in the face of the shallow easy believism that’s so much a part of today’s Christian world. Yet that’s Jesus’ final invitation to extraordinary living – an invitation to walk the pathway of courageous faithfulness knowing that to walk it is going to bring grief into your life. Yes, grief but also a promise – a promise that no matter how difficult the path may be, it will be worth it in the end. Before we get there, however, we must understand something about the journey ahead.

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The Pathway of Intentional Peacemaking

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9

Many years ago, I was leading a Wednesday Bible study and was covering the teaching of Jesus where He challenged His followers to turn the other cheek and walk the other mile. I indicated that Jesus was wanting us to reject our normal retaliatory attitude and replace it with one that had the possibility of generating peace.

Most of the people nodded along as I was explaining this. But one man was becoming increasingly agitated and eventually offered his opinion on the matter. “Frankly, sometimes I think people just need a good whoopin’.”

Doesn’t that accurately reflect what many of us feel inside at times? Sure it does. We may feel OK about not initiating a fight, but if they hit first, we’re just responding if we hit back and supposedly that makes it OK. It’s in the face of that kind of conventional wisdom that we hear Jesus’ words, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”

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The Pathway of Inner Purity

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8

A couple of years ago, McDonald’s had to pull salads off of their menu in 13 mid-western states due to a microscopic parasite that made several people sick. That was right after a romaine lettuce threat that impacted 36 states due to E. coli that infected numerous people putting some in the hospital and killing five others. These and other contaminated food issues make us glad that efforts are taken to keep such threats to a minimum. We understandably want the food we eat to be safe.

According to Jesus, we need to have a similar commitment to developing a purity in our hearts if we want to live in the middle of God’s blessing. He put it this way, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” That statement reveals yet another pathway that must be taken in order to live an extraordinary life – the pathway of inner purity. Those who walk it have discovered an important truth.

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