You Matter Supremely to God

And God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness.” Genesis 1:26

A young girl wrote to Dear Abby about the rejection she always felt on the playground from not being picked for a team. She wrote, “All my life I have been chosen last. That’s my problem…. Why don’t they just hang a sign on me that says, ‘Reject. Last one to pick gets me.’”

It doesn’t take a lot of sensitivity to feel how raw these words are especially if you have experienced a lot of rejection in your life. The truth is, rejection seems to be currency of power in our day. Workers are rejected by their employers. Spouses are rejected by each other. The weak are rejected by the strong, and on it goes. Live long enough, you’re going to get rejected by somebody.

Certainly, even one rejection is painful especially if it’s a significant rejection. But there’s also the eroding of the soul that takes place when one small rejection is layered on top of another rejection. After awhile, there are so many rejections that we run the risk of allowing ourselves to be defined by them. We accept the “Reject” sign that others have put around our neck. Such a sign is a heavy burden to bear.

If you feel like the girl on the playground, I want you to listen to what God says about you. “Let us make human beings in our image.” That includes you. You were made in the image of God. Certainly, we can make choices that mar that image. Likewise, the words and actions of others can obscure that image so that it’s more difficult for us to see. But the truth is the same. You are made in the image of God. Among other things, that means that you matter supremely to Him.

If God made you, He knows best what is most true about you. And what is most true is that He has put His very stamp on your soul. Not only that, but He is constantly at work to help you live into more and more of the life He wants for you. Why? Because He loves you. In fact, He gave His very Son for you. That’s just how much you matter to Him.

Meditating on this truth will help you to tamp down the voices of rejection recorded in your head. As that happens, you will begin to hear a new voice speaking within – a voice that reminds you over and over again just how valuable you really are and how God is wanting to make you into a masterpiece of His grace.

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One Response to You Matter Supremely to God

  1. John Kinstrey says:

    Reflecting back I’m reminded of my experiences seeing others rejected and remaining silent to selfishly avoid my own rejection. God was telling me to intervene but I ignored Him. Can’t go back to reconcile with those I ignored, but I can keep moving forward in His way.
    Always love your sage reflections.

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